How did I create this website?

Astro + Cloudflare Pages

I needed a decent looking website since my UI abilities are inexistent. So I looked around and found that Astro was a great choice by reading a comparison between it and Gatsby.

Running Astro on Cloudflare pages is fácil…

# Astro
npm create astro@latest # create a new Astro project

# Cloudflare
npm install -g wrangler # install Cloudflare tool to log and use it services
wrangler login # log into your Cloudflare account

# Astro
npm run build # build your project

# Cloudflare
wrangler pages deploy dist # this will create a new page, configure a Cloudflare domain for it and make it avaible

And that’s it… Now on my package.json file I have:

"build:preview": "astro check && astro build && astro preview",
"build:deploy": "astro check && astro build && wrangler pages deploy dist"

Deploy all the things!


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