I'm Rafael Pรฉrez

Software Engineer with +12 years of experience.

I've worked with:

  • Python and bash for scripting
  • Ruby and Rails platforms from the beginning, version migrations and monolith to microservices!
  • React integrations with Backend API's or GraphQL
  • Node development. Serverless! (Vanilla JS or TS)
  • Mobile development with Flutter and React Native
  • AWS or GCP or Cloudflare
  • ... and Docker.
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What I'm doing...

My Projects

Here are some of my recent projects. I'm always working on something new, so check back often!

image of Astro + Cloudflare Pages This website! Astro + Cloudflare Pages image of Astro + Cloudflare Pages too! Bibliotebarrio Astro + Cloudflare Pages too!
View All My Projects

Some posts...

My posts

Some notes about what I do and love!

Coding with Cursor AI

The beginning of an entire project

Posted on September 8, 2024
AI, Cursor, coding, VSCode

Coding with AI

A "full" project to learn a new language...

Posted on August 24, 2024

Developers brainwashed!

How modern dev trends push you to frameworks

Posted on August 21, 2024
X, opinion
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